About Osteopathic MedicineYou are more than just the sum of your body parts. That's why doctors of osteopathic medicine (DOs) practice a "whole person" approach to medicine. Instead of just treating specific symptoms, osteopathic physicians concentrate on treating you as a whole for truly patient-centered care. Osteopathic physicians understand how all the body's systems are interconnected and how each one affects the others. They focus special attention on the musculoskeletal system, which reflects and influences the condition of all other body systems. This system of bones and muscles makes up about two-thirds of the body's mass, and a routine part of the osteopathic patient examination is a careful evaluation of these important structures. DOs know that the body's structure plays a critical role in its ability to function. They can use their eyes and hands to identify structural problems and to support the body's natural tendency toward health and self-healing. Osteopathic physicians also use their ears to listen to you and your health concerns. Doctors of osteopathic medicine help patients develop attitudes and lifestyles that don't just fight illness, but help prevent it, too. Millions of Americans prefer this concerned and compassionate care and have made DOs their doctors for life. Most distinctively, however, DOs are trained in osteopathic manual medicine (OMM), which they can use to help diagnose and treat illness. Is osteopathic medicine a new form of medicine? How many osteopathic physicians are there in Michigan? In the U.S.? Where do osteopathic physicians receive their training? The osteopathic curriculum involves four years of undergraduate study, four years of medical school and two-to-six years of residency training. Many DOs then choose to take a residency program in a specialty area, such as internal medicine, surgery, family practice, pediatrics, radiology or pathology. |