As an MOA member we offer you the opportunity to purchase health, dental or vision insurance. The MOA partners with several organizations to offer discounts on various insurance products. The MOA offers discounted insurance for medical malpractice, long term care and long/short term disability.

Insurance Offerings

We can develop a customized program based on your individual needs.
The MOA and our partners offer coverage for:

  • Health insurance
  • Vision Services Plan
  • Delta Dental
  • Medical Malpractice, Professional Liability
  • Long-term care insurance
  • Long- and short-term disability and individual options 

For questions or more information, contact Cyndi Earles: 
517/347-1555 Ext. 107

Request a quote

MOA Insurance Delta Dental and/or VSP Eligibility Enrollment/Update form

Click here for online form

Affordable Vision Plans 
Enroll today! The Michigan Osteopathic Association and VSP provide you with an affordable insurance plan Provider Network: VSP Signature

Vision Service Plan Benefits 

Auto-pay Insurance Form

Make your insurance payment automatically each month by either credit card (Visa, MC or Discover) or by ACH auto-withdrawal. Both forms are below, simply complete and return the form that applies.

Auto-pay Insurance form