The Michigan Osteopathic Political Action Committee (MOPAC) fights to elect and re-elect pro-physician candidates through direct contributions, voter education and targeted political activism. As a physician, your time and resources are limited. MOPAC is the best resource for you to learn who supports the osteopathic profession and how you can help elect candidates that represents you and your patients.
MOPAC is the political arm of the Michigan Osteopathic Association (MOA) and the sole voice of the osteopathic profession in campaigns and elections on the state level. Governed by a committee made up of osteopathic physicians, MOPAC is constantly working to increase our effectiveness in elections and strengthen the clout of the physician community.
You can also donate by mail! Click here to download a form to fill out & mail to: 2112 University Park Drive, Suite 100, Okemos, MI 48864
Meet Your Lobbyist Day at MSUCOM
The annual, "Meet your Lobbyist" day was held at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine. The yearly event includes the Michigan Osteopathic Association providing lunch to each of the three MSUCOM campuses—East Lansing, Macomb University Center, and Detroit Medical Center—while Mr. McKinney provides his background and how vital legislative advocacy is to the health care profession.

Do you have a question for the MOA lobbyist?
Kevin McKinney is the owner of McKinney and Associates and has been the lobbyist for the Michigan Osteopathic Association (MOA) for over 25 years. The link below connects to a form that allows MOA members to ask questions or express concerns regarding legislation to Mr. McKinney. In addition to the many years of experience, Kevin is the son of the late, Max McKinney DO, a past president of the MOA and a member of countless boards and committees throughout his career. Please include your questions in the comment box and Kevin will respond as soon as possible.
How are we funded?
MOPAC’s political activities are funded by the voluntary contributions of MOA members above and beyond their membership dues. These contributions make it possible for MOPAC and the osteopathic profession to have significant impact in elections.
By joining one of MOPAC’s annual giving levels, members support our political efforts and become part of the elite network of politically active osteopathic physicians and students around the country. They receive invitations to members-only receptions, have access to insider political information, and are recognized in numerous mediums.
Can't donate today? Here are some other ways to make a difference:
1. Vote! The most important way to be politically active is to vote. The message of physicians is heard best when it is their collective voice at the ballot box! Make sure you are registered to vote in time to make your voice heard in this year’s elections!
2. Host or Attend a Fundraiser Fundraisers for candidates and for MOPAC are great opportunities to be politically active, meet candidates and elected officials, and network with other politically active physicians. Events of this kind also are effective settings to discuss key physician issues with current and potential legislators.
3. Host a Candidate at your Facility or Practice Most candidates do not know what a physician’s day entails or how specific legislation and regulation affect their practice. By hosting a candidate at your facility or practice, you establish a relationship with that candidate and afford them a first-hand look at how the issues they vote on directly impact your ability to care for your patients.
4. Host a Voter Registration Drive It is amazing to think how many people in this country are not registered to vote or have not updated their voter registration information. Be proactive in ensuring your employees, colleagues and friends are properly registered. This can be done as a day in the office, or as an e-mail campaign.
5. Write an Op-Ed Important issues affecting physicians around the country are often complicated and mis-interpreted. Op-eds serve as an avenue for physicians to communicate a pro-physician message, clarify complicated details of specific issues and counter misinterpretations and misrepresentations often seen in an election year.
6. Serve as a Media Spokesperson Physicians are leaders in their communities, and the media looks to physicians for insight on important physician issues at the forefront of elections. By serving as a media spokesperson, you can be an effective voice for physicians with reporters, at press conferences and various media events.
7. Get to Know Your Candidates Before making a decision on which candidate to support, research their positions on issues, ask them where they stand, and learn about their opponents. Once you know you are supporting the pro-physician candidate, offer to help the campaign in some capacity.
8. Volunteer with a Political Campaign Volunteering directly with a pro-physician candidate’s campaign is a great way to start the relationship between constituent and legislator early. Candidates appreciate leaders in the community, like physicians, offering their time to help a campaign. In addition to volunteers with standard duties like making calls and distributing literature, candidates often find issue experts, finance committee members and other assets in their volunteer base.
9. Educate Others on Key Physician Issues Physicians are not the only ones affected by key physician issues. Your employees, patients and family are also impacted by legislation and regulation of important health care issues. Make sure they understand how these issues affect your practice and why they should be important to them.
10. Get Out the Vote! Your vote and the votes of your employees, colleagues, friends and family are critical to electing candidates who represent you. Encourage people to vote early or by absentee ballot. Give employees time to vote on Election Day. Most importantly, lead by example - making voting a priority.
Nikki Johnston Committee and Board Coordinator Email contact form