2018 Pulse Newsletters
Pulse - Dec. 6, 2018 Links to Autumn Evaluations, Student Loan Refi Discounts, MSUCOM students administer flu shots to legislators and more
Pulse - Nov. 7, 2018 The MDHHS announces new emergency rules and updates to the tools to combat opioids, MDHHS Survey, CAHQ Best Practices Checklist and an update from the Michigan Health Information Network (MiHIN).
Election Information, October 30, 2018 Promote the Vote! Election Day Nov. 6 - Voter resources & information
Pulse - October 17, 2018 CAQH Reminder, Physician Burnout, Drug Take Back Day, Autumn Convention, updates from HCPM, Breast Cancer Awareness month & more
Pulse - October 2, 2018 Paper vs. EHR Survey, MOA Awarded, MHA News and LARA requirements at Autumn Convention, news from MHA on National Physician survey, HealthyTown Everywhere in Flint & more.
Pulse - September 12, 2018 In Memoriam: Claire Wineland, MSU Restructures & MIPS Event, Champion for Healthy Seniors Award & Diagnostic Accuracy
Pulse - August 28, 2018 Major CMS changes proposed-Call for Comments, Med-IQ CME, LARA Requirements, CMS Opportunity for MIPS reporting exemption
Pulse - August 16, 2018 MOA at Greg Kelser Camp, LARA Safe Opioid Update, CO*RE Newsletter, AOA TIPS Program, McLaren News and more
Pulse - July 31, 2018 MSUCOM-GVSU Partner, AOA House of Delegates, Opioid Laws Restricting Physicians? EHR Webinar, Town Hall on Mother Infant Health Improvement Plan and more
Pulse - July 17, 2018 Dr. Adam Hunt is #ADAMSTRONG, Dr. Prokop speaks at Origami Rehab event, Spartan Street Medicine, AOA Annual Business Meeting and new business partner: SoFi Lending
Pulse - June 25, 2018 Violence against physicians, MAPS event, New Career Center & upcoming events
Pulse - June 1, 2018 119th Annual Spring Convention Report: LARA, Science Research Exhibit Competition, Women of Excellence, MOPAC & more
Pulse - May 7, 2018 MAPS FAQ Released, CDC Award & Physician Wellness Center and Pain Management LARA Requirement
Pulse - April 23, 2018 Dr. Prokop Appointed, LARA Update, Healthology Symposium & Drug Take Back Day and Doctors' Income in 2018
Pulse - April 6, 2018 DO Appointed, LARA Regs Update: Rules delayed, Healthcare Impact Report, Delay in MAPS Regulations and AOA legislative update
Pulse - March 23, 2018 LARA Regs Update: Rules delayed, MHA Excellence in Leadership, MetroHealth event
Pulse - March 9, 2018 MAPS Regs Update, Dr. Neff Awarded and Mini Medical School, Spring Convention AOA CO*RE REMS Session, HOD Resolutions and more
Pulse - Feb 16, 2018 Feedback on new regulations for opioid prescribers, Think Spring! Think CME! Resident of the Year, OCOMA LARA Event, HOD Resolutions and more
Pulse - Feb. 6, 2018 Think Spring! New website, Resident of the Year Nominations & New Opioid Regulations
Pulse - Jan. 20, 2018 Mourning Two Leaders in Osteopathic Community,OCOMO LARA Event, MAPS Revised, Physician Shortage & more