2019 Pulse Newsletters

Pulse - December 19, 2019

MOA Mourns the passing of Dr. Augustine Perrotta, ACGME-MSUCOM-SCS Hosts workshop, BCBSM Updates and more

Pulse - November 22, 2019
Dr. Juocys Honored, Autumn Convention Re-Cap, BCBSM Updates and Women of Excellence Survey

Pulse - October 30, 2019
Surprise Billing Bills, Autumn Convention, Physician reviewers needed, Autumn Convention and news from the AOA

Pulse - October 16, 2019
Autumn Convention, Peer Reviewers, Mich. Rural Care Campaign from MHA and free Webinar on Diagnostic Errors

Pulse - September 24, 2019
MOA & Tri-County meet with Legislators, Vaping Ban on flavors, Autumn Speaker Profile: Terrie Taylor, DO and MDHHS Updates 

MOA 15th Annual Autumn Scientific Convention
Join the MOA in Grand Rapids Nov. 8-10! 24-26 AOA Category 1-A Credits 

Pulse - August 28, 2019
MOA Trustee, Adam Hunt, DO, fights melanoma. The MHA reaches 100 years, Metro Health with unique Cardio program & CPAN Rally at the Capitol  

Pulse - August 14, 2019
Dr. Wolf honored, Greg Kelser Camp includes Mini Medical School, HIPAA Security Insight, MSUCOM Student Liaisons help spread the good word from the MOA. CMS payment change proposal and MDHHS Bulletin.

Pulse - August 1, 2019
AOA Honors Dr. Meachum, CMS proposed changes and MOA Mourns Life Professional- Dr. Martin Landis, AOA Business Meeting, Survey on philosophy & technique and MHA Safety & Quality Symposium

Pulse - July 15, 2019
Dr. Paul Lacasse honored, Fulford Percussion Course hosted by MOA, McLaren Earns Gov. Award, MHA Safety Symposium and BCBSM Updates 

Pulse - June 28, 2019
AOA/MOA in South Korea, Opioid Update, MHA Campaign Rural Care Matters, AOA/MOA at Jaseng Institute in South Korea, Beaumont Podcast, Fulford Percussion Course and more

Pulse - May 29, 2019
All Things Spring! CME, Evaluations and Speaker presentations, Spring Convention highlights and links to post-convention resources, MHA Excellence in Governance Fellowship and the Fulford conference

Pulse - May 7, 2019
DO Awarded "Physician of the Year," Spring Convention highlights and new Assoc. Dean at MSUCOM, AOA survey announced for osteopathic principals and practice. 120th Spring convention, Care Coordination training and MSUCOM grad inspires

Pulse - April 12, 2019
Dr. Canfield awarded, ASAM event, FDA Safety Announcement and Spring. Bo Pang shares a remembrance for David N. Madgy, DO, TRIAD and Opinion piece from Michael G. Knapp, DO.

Pulse - March 19, 2019
MHA Keystone, A Day of Physician Wellness and McLaren investment. Taran Silva- National Student DO of the Year, Brain Injury Symposium and Priamry Care quiz. 

Pulse - February 27, 2019
Dr. Loniewski Scholarship, MDHHS Call for Comments & Physician Wellness event. OMED Scholarship, Global Outreach Peru, Brain Injury Symposium and news from MSUCOM

Pulse - Feb. 12, 2019
CMS Proposes interoperability rules, Spring Convention!, LARA Updates, BCBSM news & Physician Wellness event. New rules at CMS? AOA lists policy targets in D.C. and MSUCOM Global Outreach Peru Program offers doctors & residents unique experience. 

Spring Convention Newsletter, Jan. 25, 2019
Spring Convention: Registration is open! CME & LARA Requirements, Special opioid sessions, specialty credits offered, 32-35 CME credits anticipated. 

Pulse - Jan.16, 2019
LARA Updates, BCBSM News, MSUCOM Dean, In Memoriam and more