2020 Pulse Newsletters

Pulse - December 21, 2020

MOA Shares the sad news of the passing of Lewin Wyatt, Jr., DO, message from MOA Pres. Dr. Postlewaite, CIR Discussion series and more 

Pulse - December 3, 2020
OCOMA Awards, MDHHS COVID-19 Vaccination information, Dr. Kari Hortos Awarded and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine event

Pulse - November 18, 2020
MOA Statement on new MDHHS Emergency Orders, Autumn CME, SRE Winners and awards, MOCF Student Impact Initiative, McLaren recognized by HealthGrades and Delta Dental Insurance update.

Pulse - October 22, 2020
Set the record straight—MOA and MSUCOM joint statement to combat DO misinformation, AOA Responds to FIGS ad, SoFi Refi, COVID-19 and Reductions In The Workforce, MDHHS Epidemic Order, CME and more 

Pulse - October 6, 2020
COVID-19 Coding Update, Nicholoff in Bridge Magazine, MOA offering Autumn Online CME, member survey, SoFi Refi, VotER Campaign, Primary Care Online CME and more

Pulse - September 9, 2020
MOA offering Autumn Online CME, COVID-19 resources, member survey and more

Pulse - August 24, 2020
MOA hosts Gov. Whitmer COVID-19 Update webinar, Autumn CME Event, COVID-19 news/updates/resources and more

Pulse - August 4, 2020
Autumn CME Event, COVID-19 news/updates/resources, MOA mourns the loss of Drs. Raskin, Ruettinger and Frankenstein

Pulse - June 22, 2020
Spring CME Event, Coronavirus news/updates/resources, Advocacy Alert-End Surprise Billing & Big Changes coming

Pulse - June 2, 2020
Spring CME - Online Spring Convention, COVID-19 Affecting your practice? MOPAC information, Telehealth billing and coding & more

Pulse - May 8, 2020
Spring CME - Online Spring Convention, COVID-19 Affecting your practice? Provider Impact webinar series, Telehealth billing and coding & more

Pulse - April 28, 2020
Spring CME Event, Coronavirus news/updates/resources, Volunteer opportunities, BCBCM Provider Update

Pulse - April 14, 2020
Coronavirus News, updates and resources. Volunteer opportunities, New MHA job board

Pulse - COVID-19 March 23, 2020
Coronavirus Updates and resources

Pulse - March 9, 2020
Keep Mi Kids Tobacco Free campaign, Fix Prior Authorization efforts -Contact your legislator. Proposed Bylaw Changes notification, Spring Convention and Call for Resolutions, MHA Hosting Opioids and Addiction with Sam Quinones, the MOA mourns the unexpected passing of Rowland W. Hinds, DO, MOA hosts Michigan Osteopathic Study Group

Pulse - February 24, 2020
Keep Mi Kids Tobacco Free campaign, Fix Prior Authorization efforts - Contact your legislator. Proposed Bylaw Changes notification, Spring Convention and Call for Resolutions

Educational Opportunities February 17, 2020
CME and Educational Opportunities: MOA's 121st Spring Scientific Convention, "Nuts & Bolts" of Primary Care and OMT Study Group

Pulse - February 10, 2020
Fix Prior Authorization efforts -Contact your legislator. News from the Blues. Spring Convention, MSUCOM Speaker series and more

Pulse - January 14, 2020
MSUCOM Slavery to Freedom, MHA Breakthrough event, BCBSM Physician Updates and MOCF Ball Raffle